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Archethic provides rotating algorithm to elect validation and storage nodes.

Validation and Storage Election algorithm provides also list of heuristic constraints to fine grained elections.

Heuristic constraints

An ETS table is used to store the last constraints values for a faster lookup.

Storage constraints are defined by:

  • minimum storage geographical patches
  • minimum storage average by geographical patch
  • number of replicast

Validation constraints are defined by:

  • minimum validation geographical patch distribution
  • minimum validation nodes
  • validation number based on a given transaction

Low-Level integrations

Sometimes for performance issue, we are leveraging low-level programming in C, to perform fast computation.

Hypergeomtric distribution

For example, the Hypergeometric Distribution simulation is computed in C and wrapped in an Erlang port communication. But for better simulation lookup, a cache is provided as process to hold the last value for a given number of nodes. If the number of nodes changes, the hypergeometric distribution will be trigger.

The C program is using GMP for big float arithemetic operations and OMP for parallel computations to make it efficient.